With expanding infrastructure and increasing traffic demands, automated non-destructive tests are essential for managing bridges. ABI specializes in automating NDE methods giving you the ability to regularly test your bridges and catch damage early.
RAS and ADI Systems
What is Rapid Automated Sounding (RAS)?
Traditional sounding is an industry-standard, non-destructive method for locating delaminations on bridge decks. ABI developed the Rapid Automated Sounding system to replicate and improve on this tried-and-true test. By automating traditional sounding, ABI provides you the same delamination maps you’ve used for decades while improving cost, speed, safety, and accuracy.
The RAS system detects delaminations by continuously striking the deck using chains and recording the sound using microphones. Proprietary algorithms process the audio recordings and detect the distinct sound produced by delaminations. The test is performed at speeds up to 45 mph and is completed in seconds, drastically reducing the impact on traffic and making network-wide deck inspections possible.

What is Advanced Deck Imaging (ADI)?
Visual inspections are the most common inspection method for bridge decks. Despite the simplicity, visual inspections are slow, subjective, and difficult to perform on large or highly trafficked bridges. ABI developed the Advanced Deck Imaging system to provide fast, safe, and thorough visual inspections. Given seconds on a deck, the ADI system can produce highly detailed crack, patch, and spall maps, providing the necessary data for bridge maintenance.
The ADI system uses cameras to capture high-resolution images of the deck. Proprietary algorithms search the images for cracks, patches, spalls, and any other visible damage. By scanning at 50 mph, ABI can safely and thoroughly inspect even your largest, busiest bridges with no disruption to traffic. ADI is faster, safer, and more cost-effective, making it ideal for network-level bridge inspection.
For details and specifications on our RAS and ADI technologies, contact us here.
For an example of how these technologies are used to inspect large bridges, see Vincent Thomas.
For an example of corridors and network-level scans, see Iowa 2019.